Friday, June 17, 2011

All Aboard!

All Aboard, Cuteasaurus Rex readers! This blog-train is a moving on over to tumblr. Right now, I'm just making a stop there so see how I like the locals. Who knows, I might just decide to stay.

For now, you can keep up with the latest Rex-tastic news at

As always, Mommy will e-mail you when I post. What? You're not getting e-mails? Make sure to let Mommy know you want them!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reader Rex

Grandpa has been teaching me to read. He even made me a special book all about ME! Everytime I go to his house he has new pages in it. It's getting very long! I thought I'd share my story with you. Mommy says I got ants in my pants toward the end of the video, but I didn't see any.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rex vs. The Rabbit

Well, Mommy and I had an eventful day yesterday, so I thought I'd tell you all about it. 

Mommy got me all dressed up in some snazzy clothes. She told me we were going to meet the Easter Bunny. I was so excited, especially since Mommy's been telling me how the Easter Bunny is the one in charge of bringing me candy.

The whole way there I just couldn't stop talking about going to meet the Easter Rabbit.  I even practiced my smile for my picture with him.  We got to the mall and walked to the Easter display.  The Bunny was right around the corner.  Well, as soon as I turned the corner, I came to a dead stop.  This was NOT what I thought the Easter Bunny would look like.  I thought it was going to be a little rabbit.  Instead it was this really tall Bunny...even taller than Daddy!  I did not like the look of him.  He just kept smiling at me, and wouldn't say anything.  Well, it was then that I changed my mind.  I would NOT be going anywhere near that thing, and especially not taking a picture on his lap.
Mommy tried her hardest to talk me into it.  She told me we could go ride on the carousel, go to the playground, and get ice cream after.  It was so tempting that I nearly fell for her bribery.  But each time we got close to the Bunny, I plopped myself down on the floor and would not move.  Next, Daddy showed up and tried to reason with me.
Mommy thought maybe I needed a full stomach so we went to eat lunch.  We sat right by the carousel while we ate.  I wanted to ride it so bad!  As I ate my corn dog nuggets, I started to think it over.  I do love candy, and when I left the Easter Bunny, he was crying.  If I make him sad, he might not bring me any Peeps.  So I announced that the Easter Bunny was now my best friend and I showed Mommy my big smile that I was going to use in my picture. 
We went downstairs, back to where he was sitting.  It happened again.  I took one look at him and just could not bring myself to get close to him.  Finally, I got up enough courage to give him a high five.  It wasn't so bad.  I decided I would sit next to was just going to be for a few seconds, right?  Well, the longer I sat next to him, the more I realized he was pretty nice.  Before you know it, I was on his lap, hugging him and smiling big for the camera!


Now, the Easter Bunny and I are buddies.  And since I took a great picture, I got all the things Mommy promised:

I even went shopping with Mommy and made a couple of lady friends:

I can't wait until Easter now!  I bet that Bunny will give me all kinds of presents and candy!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

City Park

Memaw and Pepaw took us to City Park in New Orleans today.  It was a lot of fun.  We walked around Storyland.  I got to ride on a train and a carousel!  Then, we had a picnic lunch.  I had a great time.  I'll let the pictures say the rest:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Well you know that it's going to be alright...

...when we go shopping"

Those are the lyrics to a song called "Shopping" by a band called the Barenaked Ladies...isn't that silly.  I love that song so much.  Here's some clips of me performing it!

Picture Perfect

For those of you who don't get Mommy's facebook updates, here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Fishing with Daddy

It was such a beautiful day outside today.  Mommy thought it would be a good idea for me to go fishing for the first time.  So we went out to Walmart and picked out my ver own fishing pole, a Cars one...I love that movie! 

When we got home, Dad showed me how to cast my line and reel it back in.  We walked out to the pond to give it a go.  I didn't catch anything (Daddy caught a big stick, though), but I had a great time!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Typing Tyrannosaurus

With Grandpa Rick's help, I have been learning to read a lot of words. So far I can read the words Mommy, Daddy, G.G., Grandpa, Memaw, Pepaw, Rex, nose, eyes, teeth, toes, belly, fingers, neck, cup, and car!

Now that I can read so many words, I figured it's time to learn to write them too. I haven't quite gotten the hang of controlling a pencil, though. So I am practicing on Daddy's computer. Here's a video for you:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Storyteller Rex

I love reading books with Mommy before bedtime.  Tonight, I thought I'd help her out by acting out the story.  Please enjoy Mommy and Rex reading the book, I Love You Through and Through.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Knock Knock

So, with G.G. and Grandpa Rick's help, I have been developing a nice repertoire of knock knock jokes.  Mommy thinks some of them don't make sense, but I think they're hilarious.  I always have to laugh myself after telling them.  Here are some that I like to say:

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Orange who?
Orange, orange say banana!

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Boo who?
Don't cry!

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Ketchup who?
Ketchup in the morning

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Grits who?
Grits at JoJo's!

Do you know any great knock knock jokes you can teach me?

Sorry Slacker

Yes, folks.  I have not blogged since November.  I have been slacking, and I am sorry. 

How about some awesome pictures to make up for it?