Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Move Over Bob; There's a New Builder in Town

Grandma and Grandpa got me a tool set for Easter. Nannie Toni and Uncle Andy got me a hammer. Well today I thought I'd put my new tools to use. I got my tools out, first. Then I found some directions in the file box Daddy left on the floor! Mommy says most men don't use directions, but I'm not most men.

Well, I better get going. That dresser's not building itself, you know!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chomper #4

Now I have another reason to get used to that toothbrush. Another tooth broke through today. Now I have all 4 of my front teeth: top and bottom!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Toothbrush Trauma

Well now that's I'm up to 3 pearly whites, Mommy says it's time to get serious about brushing. She had been using this little brush that slips onto her finger to brush my teeth. Well, tonight she tried something very own toothbrush. Are you serious? Now, don't get me wrong, I put a lot of things in my mouth, but this toothbrush can stay out as far as I'm concerned.

Scaredy Cat

But I'm not scared of cats. Or dogs. Or dinosaurs.

Nope, here's what really scares me:

Mommy says it's okay. She doesn't like them either.

Note from Mom: Rex just cried out in his sleep; I wonder if this gave him nightmares!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Totally Tubular

I thought after getting home after my bedtime last night that Mommy would let me sleep in this morning. But at 5:00, she came into my room and woke me up. She put me into some fresh PJs and we all got into the car and headed out.

Mommy told me that I was going to have surgery to make my ears better. She said the doctor was going to put tubes in both of my ears so that all the stuff that makes them feel yucky would drain out.

When we got to the surgery center, it wasn't long before a familiar face walked in the door. Last week I met a baby named Drew at the pediatrician's office. Well, here he was again! It turns out he was having ear surgery too. I had fun playing with him in the waiting room. He crawls really fast. Soon after that, another baby showed up. I was having a blast!

Well, soon after that I had to go back to the surgery room. They put a mask on my face. The next thing I remember is waking up with all these strange people around. I felt really funny, too. I never want to feel like that again. I was so groggy and upset. Mommy told me later it was because of something called "anesthesia". The nurse brought me back to Mommy and Daddy, and they let me have some juice. After a few minutes I started to feel better and calm down.

By the time we made it home (before 8:00AM- that surgery thing was fast!), I was feeling pretty good. I had a big breakfast, and settled down for a much-needed nap. I woke up from that nap feeling better than ever. My ears are feeling great, and I can hear much better, too.

For the rest of the day, I was in a great mood. I got a little cranky once evening hit, but all in all I think this surgery was just what I needed!
Me in my funny hospital made my back cold.

My First Vacation- The Conclusion

Well folks, here's the scoop on the rest of my vacation.

On Tuesday, Aunt Lindsey met up with us again, and we ate at Mommy and Daddy's favorite place...The Cheesecake Factory. I got to taste all sorts of food including Mommy and Daddy's favorite appetizer...Sweet Corn Tamale Cakes. Uncle Andy gave me a taste of papaya. Now I've eaten papaya before, but this papaya was so super sweet. When it first hit my mouth, I didn't know what had happened. I thought maybe something was attacking me, and I tried to wipe at my face to get it off. The end of the meal was good though. I shared Uncle Andy's Banana Cream Cheesecake, and I had a cup of coffee. Here's the picture to prove it.

I also met my fur-cousin, Daisy. I even got a hold of her rawhide and chewed on it. Mommy wasn't too happy about that.

Yesterday, we flew back home. We had two plane rides this time. I took a good nap on the first flight. The second flight wasn't bad either.

G.G. and Grandpa Rick were waiting for us when we landed in New Orleans. They took us to eat chinese food. Well, I didn't actually eat chinese food. I had spaghetti. Mommy's sweet and sour sauce looked so good. When she accidentally put it within my reach, I seized the opportunity and grabbed. Oops! My diaper bag is now sweet and sour. Mommy says that's a good way to describe me, too.

I had a great time in Virginia. I will miss my Nannie, Uncle, and cousins, but they said I will see them again at Christmas time.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My First Vacation- Part One

I've experienced a bunch of "firsts" in the past few days. It was my first trip out of state (not counting when I was still in Mommy's belly). It was my first time on a plane. It was my first Easter. It was also my first time meeting my Uncle Andy and cousin Noah. Here are some highlights from my trip so far.

Saturday morning I was woken quite early by Mommy. We headed out to the airport. I learned all about passing through security. Apparently everyone has to take their shoes off...even babies! I didn't enjoy the plane ride too much. My ears were bothering me, my gums were hurting, and I didn't like being cramped up and not able to crawl around. I did the best I could, though.

When we arrived in Virginia, we were greeted by Uncle Andy, Noah, and some very cold, windy, and rainy weather. Aunt Lindsey came over to see me, too. She has been in VA for the past few months.

Easter Sunday was a lot of fun. I got some awesome presents from the Easter Bunny. I had a lot of fun with my cousins. They are kind of loud and quite energetic, but it keeps me entertained. I practiced on the piano, and discovered a brand new way to play it. It will probably be all the rage among musicians very soon. Aunt Lindsey came over again, and we all went to eat at Carraba's. I decided to pass on the baby food for lunch. Instead I shared the appetizer with everyone...fried zucchini! I was feeling so nice that I decided to share quite a bit with the floor, too.

Today, we went shopping at this fun store called Ikea. We also went to the mall where I got to drive my very own car.

My trip caught up with me today, though. I've been so cranky and (I must admit) whiney. I'm so glad it's bedtime. Alexa read me a bedtime story about a cute baby. Now, I'm ready to hit the sack.

Mommy helped me put some pictures into an album for you to see. I put some descriptions on them, so make sure to click on each one and read what I wrote. It was hard work!

I will write another post later this week to let you know how the rest of my trip goes.

I hope you all had as great of an Easter as I did!

Love, Rex

Double Digits

Friday, I turned 10 months old! Here's a pic Mommy snapped to commemorate the occasion.

Chomper #3

Greetings from Virginia! I am having a blast with Nannie Toni, Uncle Andy, and my cousins, Noah and Alexa. I will be blogging soon about the fun I've been having, but keep in mind I'm away from my office and my usual equipment so it may take me a couple of days to get it together. We'll see. Maybe I can rig something up tonight. I just wanted to fill you in on the latest. When I woke up on Easter morning, Mommy discovered that my top front tooth on the left had finally cut through. Boy, that one had been bothering me for the last week. What a relief! My mouth is still hurting a bit so I think the right one is not going to be far behind.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Sweet Treat

Today was my last day at daycare before Easter vacation. To celebrate we made cupcakes! Mrs. Monica sent one home with me. Mommy let me have some of it, but I shared the rest with her and Daddy. Mommy said it would be good practice since my birthday is coming up in a couple of months. It was so yummy. It had been such a long day that I started to get tired. You can always tell when I'm tired because I start rubbing my face and eyes. Well, I forgot my hands were full of cupcake, and I rubbed it all over my face, eyes, and hair. Oops! When I was done, it was straight to the bathtub for me. Now I can't wait until my birthday!

A Swing Fit For A King

Since we are going out of town this weekend, the Easter Bunny stopped by last weekend. He brought me this really cool swing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sorry, Carli

To my dearest girlfriend, Carli,

I want to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I'm sorry I tried to take your toys away. I'm also sorry for pushing you when you wouldn't let go of them. Your toys just looked so much more exciting than mine, but I know that's not an excuse for what I did. I promise to try harder to be nice and share. Thank you for forgiving me. I had fun playing "nice" with you today. I really enjoy crawling with you and chasing you around. And do you remember that conversation we had last week? It was so funny that we both just cracked up laughing at each other. I want to continue having fun times like that. From now on, I'll be on my best behavior.

your buddy,

If You're Happy And You Know It

Here's the other trick I've been working on.

Just Say No

Now that I've got crawling down pat, I decided to work on some new tricks.

I told you last week that G.G. taught me a lot about the word "no". Since then when someone tells me no, sometimes I tell them no back by shaking my head.

Here's a video although I saved my best ones for when Mommy's camera wasn't on.