Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


Last night I got to spend some time with my cousins Caleigh and Taylar. Even though they are older than me, I still had fun playing with them and sharing my toys. I hope we get together again soon!

Musical talent must run in the family because they play the piano almost as well as I do.

I let Tay sit in my favorite chair.

Here we are playing with my choo-choo train. Caleigh didn't like that I kept sitting on the tracks, but how else is a little person like me supposed to reach the ramp?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

B is for...


It's my favorite thing to do with these foam letters.

My buddy Collin at daycare had similar ideas today. He tested them out on me. OUCH!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

This year wasn't my first Halloween, but it was my first time to go Trick-or Treating. Mommy and Aunt Lindsey helped me into my pirate costume, and we went outside. Instead of bringing my pirate sword with me, I opted for my lawnmower.

I was having so much fun pushing my lawnmower down the street. I got kind of upset when Mommy tried to steer me up the driveway to the neighbor's house. We did make it to two houses where I snagged some yummy treasure. I was a very polite pirate. When Mommy told me to say thank you, I told the candy-givers "ank ju".

I rolled my lawnmower down the street for a few more minutes, but then Mommy decided it was time to go inside. You see, I got sick with croup a couple days ago and it was getting chilly outside. Plus, there were lots of mosquitoes.

I was pretty mad that I had to go in and threw myself a good pirate tantrum. I calmed down, checked out the loot, and settled into my chair for some TV.

Happy Halloween, everyone! Enjoy the pictures.

My first trick-or-treat:

But mowing the road is much more fun

Loving on my Daddy after my tantrum

Don't even think about touching my booty

I'm a TV addict

I'm a handsome pirate, aren't I?