Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble Goo

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

So, today was my first Thanksgiving. I spent the day with Daddy's family. I had so much fun.

Grandpa and I played together, and he gave my toy turtle a name: Slowski.

Aunt Lindsey volunteered to change my stinky diaper. I don't think she's ever changed a diaper before....she put it on backwards. Next time, we'll have to label the front and back for her.

Grandma Mary gave me a big turkey leg to munch on:

Okay, that wasn't my real meal. After the photo-op, I got my real Thanksgiving dinner: green beans and sweet potatoes- yummy!

And, of course, I got to watch a lot of football. I just love watching football on TV!

All in all, it was a great day for everyone. Mommy says that we are very thankful to have family to share times like this with.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Breaking Free

So, last night was the very first night in my entire life so far that I slept without being wrapped tight in my special swaddle blankets. I did pretty well.

I went to bed a little after 7 as usual. I woke up at 2 AM, and I was a little confused. Then I remembered that I was wearing my big boy sleep sack instead of the swaddle blanket, and I fell right back to sleep. Then I woke up at 4AM. I had been sleeping later than that the last few nights, but I guess with things being a little different it will take me a few nights to adjust. I was tired and forgot why I wasn't wrapped up tight as usual so I whined a little bit. After a while Mommy came in to give me my pacifier and a kiss, but that didn't help much. Finally at 5 AM, Daddy came in with a bottle. That was just what I needed! I went back to sleep until 7 AM.

I think I like my arms being free when I sleep. Now I can get to my fingers to chew on them! Mommy is happy, too. She said that I did much better than she thought I would and that she is very proud of me. She said it's a little bittersweet that I'm growing up so much. She said that I won't be her little papoose anymore.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mommy's keeping her fingers crossed!

Why? Because it seems that I have finally decided I don't need a bottle at three in the morning anymore. Yep, it all started on Friday night. I was so comfy and cozy, I decided not to wake Mommy and Daddy up until six in the morning. Yep, I slept for 10 3/4 hours straight! And I've been sleeping well ever since. Mommy hopes I keep it up...I haven't decided yet, but maybe if I do it will show Mommy and Daddy how much I love them.

Mommy told me I'm getting to be a big boy now, and big boys don't need to be swaddled to go to bed. So tonight is the test run. For the first time ever, I'm going to sleep without my swaddle blanket. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh, and since you're reading this, I thought I would ask you if you could pass along a message to Santa Claus for me. Could you tell him that I updated my Amazon wish list? Maybe you could also tell him about some other stuff I could use. I'm eating lots now, so I could use some more plastic feeding bibs. I'm growing fast, too, and I could use some more 9 months-size clothes, especially sleepers. And, of course, I would never say no to some toys!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Rotten Weekend

Well folks, I learned something new this weekend. I learned what a cold is, and I don't ever want one of these things again! I had just gotten better from my ear infection, and Thursday I started coming down with this cold thing. All weekend I've been coughing. Mommy keeps sucking snot out of my nose...I HATE the snot sucker! I've been trying to be brave for Mommy and Daddy and give them all the smiles and laughs I can muster. We even got my Christmas pictures taken yesterday, and I smiled for the camera. Today, my mood wasn't so great, though. Mommy and Daddy weren't in a good mood either because they caught my cold, too! Yep, we're all sick in my house. Mommy and I took a good, long nap together and I felt a little better. The doctor said it's normal for me to keep getting sick and that Mommy shouldn't worry. I just hope this cold goes away soon and that I stay well for a long time after!

In other news, tonight at dinner time there was a new color in my bowl, GREEN! I'd been eating lots of orange food: sweet potatoes, squash, carrots. I thought that maybe all food was that color. Nope, today I had my first taste of avocado. It was okay, but I wasn't really feeling up to eating because of my cold, so I didn't finish it all. I ate most of it, though. Here is a picture of my adventures in carrot-eating from yesterday.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

High Five!

So, guess what guys? I'm FIVE months old! Mommy told me to slow down because I'm growing too fast. I turned five months old on Monday. I also had to go to the doctor on Monday to get my ears checked. The doctor says they are all better! I got weighed while I was there, and I'm up to 16 pounds and 9 ounces! I was wearing my clothes when they weighed me so I might be a little less...but not for long.

Latest in the eating news: I LOVE butternut squash. It's so yummy; Mommy just can't get it in fast enough so I grab the spoon and try to help. I think tonight we're going to try something new. The only problem with me eating real food is that now my spit-up is orange and is staining my bibs and clothes. Any stain remover suggestions for Mommy?

Mommy and Daddy also figured out the secret trick to my night sleeping. I usually go to bed at 7, and by 3 or 4 in the morning I would get soooo hungry. Mommy and Daddy are pretty sleepy at that time so I don't think they appreciate being woken up by my screaming. They finally figured it out though. Since Saturday, Daddy has been coming to my room at 10:30 to give me a bottle. I don't even really wake up all the way, but I drink it down. Now I don't wake up until about 5:30 or 6 in the morning. Daddy comes to get me ready and give me another bottle, and by 6:30 Mommy and I are headed out for the day. It works out perfectly and we are all much happier in the morning. This morning, I greeted Mommy with my favorite gurgling sound. Now, we just need to work on nap time.

Well, that's been my week so far. Mommy says she will be putting up some new pictures on photobucket in the next couple of days.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

You are what you eat

So that must mean I'm a sweet potato!

Yep, that's right, I ate my first vegetable. Let's back up a bit. If you recall, I was giving Mommy a hard time with eating cereal. This week I started eating it at daycare, and it turns out, cereal is not so bad if I get it in the morning! I still won't eat it in the evening with Mommy though.

A couple weeks ago, we had tried some sweet potatoes. They were okay, but I really wasn't in the mood with my ear hurting and all. Since I won't eat cereal in the evenings, Mommy decided to try sweet potatoes again on Thursday. I wasn't too sure about it, but I ate most of them without a fuss. Then last night, I had them again, and I finished the whole bowl! Well, minus what got left on my bib. I think I like sweet potatoes! Oh, and by the way, these are Mommy's homemade sweet potatoes...yum, yum!

I licked the spoon

and chewed the spoon

Mommy, I wanna hold it!

Who ate more, me or my bib?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I did...did you?

This morning Mommy, Daddy, and I all went to VOTE. Ok, well maybe I just watched Mommy vote, but today will go down in history as my first election. Everyone at the precinct had to stop and tell me how cute I was. I bet if they had to vote on who the most cute baby is, I would win hands down!