Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I had a blast this Christmas.

First of all, my cousins Noah and Alexa as well as Nannie Toni and Uncle Andy came all the way from Virginia to spend Christmas with us. They had us worried when their flight got cancelled because of a snowstorm, but they made it here safely on Monday morning and I got to see them all week. Nannie let me open my presents early. My favorite is my fridge letter set. I've already learned the song for the letter B: "B says Buh"!

On Christmas Eve, we stopped by Aunt Alice's and I got to open my first presents of the day and play with Jaden, Caleigh, and Taylar. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a great Christmas Eve party. Mommy brought my PJs with me so I got all nice and cozy. I was tired but I didn't want to miss out on all the fun so I stayed up until almost midnight!

On Christmas morning, there was a big box in the living room. Mommy said it was just for me from Santa. It was great for sitting on and rolling my cars on. I didn't realize there was something even more exciting inside the box, but we'll get to that later. I had so many presents. I wanted to stop and play with each for a while before opening more, but eventually I got the hang of it and we made it through all of them. I got clothes, books, toys, and more!

A few hours later a bunch of people started showing up. I got to spend Christmas day with a bunch of my Great Aunts and Uncles, all my grandparents, Nannie Toni and her crew, Aunt Lindsey, and more! We had lots of favorite was the gumbo! There were even more presents including a very special present from all my grandparents: my very own slide!

Later that night, Parrain and Aunt Kristi came over and brought even more stuff! I had a blast opening those presents because I finally understood what to do.

The fun didn't end on Christmas day. The day after Daddy closed himself in my room with that big box I was telling you about. Guess what it was?! A train table!!!! Wow, I love trains and my table is so awesome!

Well, there were so many great moments this Christmas! I am so thankful that I got to spend these last few days with so many loved ones. Mommy took lots of pictures. Instead of putting some of them here on my blog, I decided it would be better to just give you the link to all of them. Don't forget to read the captions!

I wanted to share a few videos with you, too. Here they are:

Santa left me a phone in my stocking. I thought I should call him up and tell him what I thought of it.

Here's where I figured out how to open a present

Presents make me happy...especially these big boy towels from Parrain!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

While Mommy's away...

Rex will play!

Last night, Mommy and Aunt Kristi were making some yummy Christmas cookies. The problem is they were hogging up all the space in the kitchen and dining room which left me with no room to eat my dinner. Daddy rolled my high chair into the living room so he could watch the Saints game and help me eat at the same time.

Daddy and Parrain weren't doing a great job of keeping an eye on me so I thought I'd have a little fun. My dinner looked so good that I thought it would make a good hair gel. Check out my new "do". Mommy says it was a "don't".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Renaissance Rex

Sunday, I traveled to Hammond, LA with Mommy, Daddy, Parrain Ben, and Aunt Kristi for the Renaissance Festival.

I really enjoyed it. I got to see all kinds of interesting people dressed up like knights, maidens, wizards, elves, and much more. There were also lots of men in skirts, even some that were in a band and performed on a stage. I really liked them. Mommy says those are special skirts called kilts.

I got to sample some yummy things, too. I ate some of Mommy's turkey leg and some of Aunt Kristi's cheesecake on a stick. Mommy said she doesn't remember there being cheesecake in any of her history lessons on the Renaissance. Whatever- it was delicious!

My absolute favorite part of the faire was the jousting demonstration. I got really psyched up by the cheering crowd and decided to join in. Even though our champion lost, it was still a great show.

At the end of the day, Daddy bought me my very own sword and shield. Don't worry, they are made of wood and the sword is very blunt. It was getting late so I was too tired to try them out. When I do, I'll be sure to share some pictures with you.

Here are some highlights from the trip:

Mommy tries out archery

Parrain and Daddy have a duel....Daddy won.

The Lost Boys perform their last show of the faire. I think I'm gonna ask Santa for a kilt. Do you think he'll bring me one?

Wow, did you see that?

Go Sir Victor!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mr. Independent

These days I like to do everything myself, including eating. Last night I had some of my Great Uncle Todd's yummy red beans. I don't know why Mommy thinks that watching me eat is so entertaining, but she said I should show you some videos.

Part 1

It takes a utensil in each hand to eat. Now, if only that pesky bowl would stay still!

Part 2

All Done!

Part 3

In this selection, I perform an after-dinner drum solo. Then, once again, confirm that I am all done. But those beans were so good that I changed my mind and had a couple more bites. Notice the sneaky look in my eyes...I'm not supposed to eat beans with my fingers. Sorry, Mom!

Friday, December 4, 2009

O Christmas Tree

Strange things are happening at my house. There's all kinds of boxes and shiny things. Mommy says they are Christmas presents. I also saw something in Mommy and Daddy's closet that looks really exciting. I wonder if it's another one of those presents.

Guess what? Mommy and Daddy put a tree right in the living room! I thought those only belonged outside. This tree is different though. It has sparkly lights on it. She told me it is a special kind of tree called a Christmas tree and that we had one last year. Well, I was only 6 months old for my first Christmas. I don't remember it too much. Anyway, as if the lights weren't enough, Mommy was putting these things called ornaments on it, too. I thought I'd help her out. She was putting the ornaments all over the tree, but I thought they looked better if you put them all in the same spot.

So far this Christmas thing is pretty exciting. But is it just me, or have I been hearing the words "no" and "don't touch" a lot more?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


Last night I got to spend some time with my cousins Caleigh and Taylar. Even though they are older than me, I still had fun playing with them and sharing my toys. I hope we get together again soon!

Musical talent must run in the family because they play the piano almost as well as I do.

I let Tay sit in my favorite chair.

Here we are playing with my choo-choo train. Caleigh didn't like that I kept sitting on the tracks, but how else is a little person like me supposed to reach the ramp?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

B is for...


It's my favorite thing to do with these foam letters.

My buddy Collin at daycare had similar ideas today. He tested them out on me. OUCH!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

This year wasn't my first Halloween, but it was my first time to go Trick-or Treating. Mommy and Aunt Lindsey helped me into my pirate costume, and we went outside. Instead of bringing my pirate sword with me, I opted for my lawnmower.

I was having so much fun pushing my lawnmower down the street. I got kind of upset when Mommy tried to steer me up the driveway to the neighbor's house. We did make it to two houses where I snagged some yummy treasure. I was a very polite pirate. When Mommy told me to say thank you, I told the candy-givers "ank ju".

I rolled my lawnmower down the street for a few more minutes, but then Mommy decided it was time to go inside. You see, I got sick with croup a couple days ago and it was getting chilly outside. Plus, there were lots of mosquitoes.

I was pretty mad that I had to go in and threw myself a good pirate tantrum. I calmed down, checked out the loot, and settled into my chair for some TV.

Happy Halloween, everyone! Enjoy the pictures.

My first trick-or-treat:

But mowing the road is much more fun

Loving on my Daddy after my tantrum

Don't even think about touching my booty

I'm a TV addict

I'm a handsome pirate, aren't I?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Crazy Eights

I have a new trick...counting! I can count all the way to ten. I usually forget the eight, though. Who needs eight anyway?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me to a pumpkin patch. We met up with a bunch of friends and family there.

It was a bit cooler out than Mommy and Daddy had expected. Luckily my cousin Jacob came to the rescue with a long-sleeved shirt he let me borrow. Don't worry, by the end of the trip it started to warm up. Mommy said she needs to go shopping for winter clothes.

When we got to the patch we had to load up on this big trailer attached to a tractor. It was kind of muddy from all the rain we've been having which made for a very bumpy ride. Needless to say, I didn't like the ride at all. It reminded me of the time I went to Chuck E. Cheese and Mommy and Daddy tried to put me on one of the car rides. Remember that?

Finally the ride stopped, and we got off the tractor into the pumpkin patch. Mommy and Daddy let me walk around a bit and then we each got to pick out a pumpkin.

After, it was back on the trailer for another bumpy ride back to the front of the patch to claim our pumpkins and wash them off. This time Daddy sat down with me on his lap and it was a lot better.

To tell you the truth, I didn't love the experience. I guess I was a little confused by all the commotion. Maybe next year, I'll get into it more. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Not feeling it yet...

Group photo attempt

Sunday, October 11, 2009

16 months old!

Yep, I've been around for 16 whole months now! Can you believe it? I just had my 15-month check-up last week. I weigh over 26 pounds and I'm 31.5 inches tall! All my stats fall around the 75th percentile for my age. According to the doctor, I'm doing everything someone my age should be.

Since we spoke last, not that much new has happened. I had a blast at my friend Ava's 2nd birthday party. However, the next day I came down with a cold which meant medicine and breathing treatments: yuck! I'm all better now.

I've learned to say a few more things like shoes and night-night.

I'm a pro at this walking thing. I hardly ever fall down. I'm starting to climb. I managed to climb into the bathtub all by myself! I also tried to follow Daddy up the attic ladder, but I only made it to the first step.

I love to scribble with a pencil or crayon. Mommy wasn't too happy when she noticed I practiced this skill on the floor and closet door. Luckily, the magic eraser came to the rescue.

Mommy realized we hadn't updated the photobucket site since August. Whoops! Just click the link and you'll see lots of brand new pictures of me. There's even one she took today of me tackling a grilled cheese sandwich whole!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Down to Busy-ness

Hi everyone! I'm back! Mommy said I needed to get with it and put some new material on the blog. I've just been so busy lately! I asked Mommy to shoot some footage of me so you can see just how busy my evenings can get. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy's Update

Well, Rex has been so busy walking everywhere, that he hasn't found the time lately to update the blog. So, Mommy is here to tell you the latest.

After thinking for a while that Rex would never let go and walk on his own, it finally happened a few weeks ago. Now he is a professional walker! He barely crawls anymore. Every day his balance gets a little better, and he is getting pretty fast.

He is growing like crazy. He's over 26 pounds now. We'll find out how tall at his 15-month check up which is in a couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure by the time the cold weather arrives, I'll have to start buying toddler size clothes. It will be sad not to shop in the infant section anymore.

Now that Rex has the walking down, it seems he is turning more attention to speaking. He waves and says "bye-bye". He does it all the time, even if he is just walking away from you to go to another room. When he is hungry he does the sign language sign for "more" and says "eat" although it kind of sounds like "each". He loves to do pat-a-cake and he tries to say the words to it. When he or someone else drops something he says "uh-oh", although now he intentionally throws things down just to say it. He often hands something to you and says his version of thank you which kind of sounds like "ank ju".

Rex loves music. He loves to dance and sing along to it. His Daddy greets him every morning by singing "Good morning to Rex". This morning, Rex was trying to sing along. It was so awesome to hear him attempt his name for the first time. He did a pretty good job of it!

I will try to get some new videos soon. Rex never seems to perform once I get the camera out.

Well, I hope my update will tide you over until Rex's next blog!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Boy For Sale

I'll be honest: I wasn't a good boy today. I wouldn't eat my breakfast or my lunch. I played in the trash even though I know I'm not supposed to. I chewed a piece of one my books. I threw my lunch on the floor. I refused to take a nap until after 4:00. I threw fits all day long.

Mommy and Daddy have decided to put me up for sale. Here's the advertisement:

(This picture was not posed; I climbed in my toy basket all by myself.)

I'm not the first in my family to suffer this fate. Here's my cousin Alexa back when she was just about my age.

So.... any takers? I'll be a good boy. I promise!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese's

Where a kid can be a kid. Well, not this kid. I think I'd rather be a kid somewhere else. Mommy and Daddy brought me to this establishment today. They tried to put me a few of the "rides". They are NOT FUN. The trip wasn't a total bust. I did find a coloring game I liked, and the pizza was yummy. Mommy and Daddy even played a few rounds of skee ball.

This picture pretty much sums up the experience:

Getting ready to eat:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Look Out World: Here I Come!

And I'm coming on my own two feet! That's right, folks. It took nearly 15 months, but I am now officially a walker. I debuted my new moves over the weekend. G.G. and Grandpa Rick were so excited to witness my first steps. Today, I did my most walking yet! Daddy helped by enticing me with my favorite snack-- puffs!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Talking and Texting

Just a little video of me playing with Mommy's phone. Mommy says I must have an ear in the back of my head, because that's where I put the phone to. I do the same thing with Daddy's wii-mote: I press the buttons and put it to the back of my head just like a telephone.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


One of my favorite songs is the alphabet song. Here are some videos of me enjoying this little ditty.

Dancing to the music:

Singing along:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Bit More Off The Top

If you remember, I got my first haircut 2 months ago. Well, it has just been growing and growing since then. Mommy decided a little trim wouldn't hurt. This time she was brave and did it herself! I was a bit tired and cranky and didn't feel much like cooperating, so she didn't cut as much off as she would've liked. Next time, she should cut it in the morning when I'm in a better mood. Silly Mommy.



Letting Go

I'm finally getting the hang of standing up without holding on to something! I'm contemplating walking, although I haven't tried it yet.

What does G.G. say?

On Monday, I visited G.G. I love my G.G., but she can be a Negative Nellie sometimes. She wouldn't let me play with any of her "toys" or open any of her cabinets. Aw man.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And Another!

Another tooth, that is! Chomper #11 has popped out. Now I have all four of my first molars.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chompers Galore!

For the past couple of weeks, I have been the King of Drool. However, for the past two days or so the drool slowed down. Mommy decided to check things out in my mouth. Much to her surprise, she found three new teeth! She told me they are called molars and they will help me chew all the big person food I've been eating. There's another one that will be out soon, too. So for those of you who've lost count, I'm up to 10 teeth! That's half of my baby teeth!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Write Stuff

So I'm sure you've heard of crawling before walking. Well, I'm working on writing before walking. One of my favorite toys is my doodle board. Normally, I just make scribble scratches. Today, I got fancy and made the letters A and X and the number 3. I think it was just luck, but Mommy was pretty impressed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I love playing with blocks! I discovered this passion at Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's house. Mommy saw how much fun I had stacking and knocking down the blocks so she bought me a set of my own.

So apparently balls are not good for stacking on blocks...

My tallest stack to date...8 blocks high! And I did it all by myself!

Taking a break from blocks for a little dancing...

Today's Post is Brought to you by the Letter H and the Number 6

I've been talking a lot lately. It's getting closer and closer to sounding like the English that Mommy and Daddy speak.

For the last week or so, I've been fascinated with two words/sounds in particular: the letter H and the number 6. It sounds more like "otch" and "shix" but I love to say them over and over. I'm not sure what they mean yet, but I like the sound they make.

Not a Baby Anymore!

Hi folks. Sorry for the lack of posting in the last two weeks. It seemed like there wasn't much to report, but now that I look back, I've been a busy little bee. Mommy says that it seems like overnight that I went from being a baby to a full-fledged toddler. Here are just a few of the things that have happened.

I am going to a new babysitter now. I have made a bunch of new friends although I miss my old ones. I tease Mommy by throwing a fit when she drops me off. It's just a trick because as soon as she leaves I'm fine and very well-behaved if I do say so myself.

I am eating lots of yummy food. No more purees for me! My favorite meal is breakfast. I love bananas, pancakes, eggs, grits, and waffles. And I have mastered drinking from my sippy cup without having to be reclined.

I still haven't mustered up the courage to let go of Mommy or Daddy's hands and walk on my own. That still doesn't stop me from getting around and into everything. I love to take things out of cabinets and drawers. And when Mommy forgets to close the bathroom door, I go straight for the toilet paper. It's so much fun to unwind and tear up.

A couple weeks ago, I stood on my own for a few seconds. I wasn't sure how it happened or what to do after. I haven't tried it again.

I'm getting better at waving bye-bye and blowing kisses. Sometimes I even give Mommy a big wet kiss on her cheek.

I love the alphabet song. If you sing it for me, I'll reward you with applause and a big "YAY" at the end.

And I am definitely becoming a big boy because I haven't taken my pacifier in over a week! Mommy says she's gonna hold on to them for a bit longer in case of emergency.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm One Smart Cookie

Mommy found out today that just being in the same room as me does not count as keeping an eye on me. She was washing some dishes, and I was playing with a toy in the kitchen. All of a sudden something caught my eye. Mommy had left my diaper bag open and inside was a box of cookies. I checked to see if Mommy was looking. Nope: she was furiously scrubbing away at all the bits and pieces to my sippy cups. I got the box of cookies open, pulled out the bag, and had me a yummy snack.

A Super Summer Sunday

Yesterday I went to Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's house for a shrimp boil. I didn't eat any shrimp, but I did have a lot of fun. Here are a few pictures.

I had a blast in the swimming pool!

Daddy's Little Man

G.G. and Grandpa Rick are teaching me how to bump fists. They say all the cool kids are doing it.

You can see more pictures of my fun day in my photo album.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chomper #7

Boy, did I surprise Mommy just now. She decided to take a peek in my mouth to see how things were doing and how much more of my sixth tooth was showing. She was shocked to see that another tooth has started to make it's way out. I thought she knew because it kept waking me up the other night. So now I'm up to seven teeth: 4 on top and 3 on the bottom!

Friday, July 3, 2009


I'm so glad Grandpa Rick and G.G. are back from vacation!

Chomper #6

My 6th tooth officially broke through yesterday. It had been bothering me for weeks! Now I have 4 top teeth and 2 bottom.

Splish Splash

On Wednesday, Mommy took me to another date with Ava. We went to the splash park. Well, I wasn't too impressed. Supposedly getting sprayed with cold water is fun. I'm not buying that. I did get some exercise in by crawling laps around the the sprayground. The best part of the date was that Ava's mommy, Mrs. Robyn, fed me goldfish (not real ones, just some crackers shaped like fish). Ava wasn't eating hers fast enough so I helped her out by snatching one right out of her hand.

Little Drummer Boy

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The T-Rex Expedition

While Mommy was playing on the computer today, I decided to do a little exploring. Here are some highlights from my adventure.

Here's what the living room looked like when I was done.

Don't tell Mommy. I found my pacifier on the floor. I'm only supposed to have these when I'm napping. Oh wait. That's Mommy behind the camera. Uh-oh.

Paper is so fun to tear up.

Now, the living room is fun and all, but I wanted to see more. I needed to make sure I found my way back. I didn't have breadcrumbs so I used some other stuff to make a trail. I went from the living room to the kitchen, down the hall, into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom and bathroom, and then I made it back to the living room. Here's the trail I left behind.

A DVD from the living room and a soap dish from the bathroom ended up in the kitchen.

Here's part of a toy in the hallway and a DVD box I found in the living room which I drug into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom.

Another DVD made it into the bathroom. It's not in the picture, but I left a birthday card next to the toilet.

I don't think Mommy was as excited as I was about my trip. I heard her saying something about needing to close doors.