Friday, December 26, 2008

I get around... crib, that is!

I'm continuing to entertain Mommy and Daddy with my crib antics. I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Oh, and can someone tell Mommy that the sleep positioner and crib pad are not really working anymore.

Merry Christmas! Part 2: The Un-Merry Part

Well folks, it's time for the not-so-good news. I'm pretty sick. I really never got over that cold I got last month. For the last 2 weeks, I've been feeling worse than ever. This cough keeps me up all night, and then I'm tired all day. Despite all the excitement and presents, I was pretty miserable yesterday. I had a fever. And for the last few days, I haven't even really felt much like eating.

It was back to the doctor today. She was not happy when she listened to my chest with the stethoscope. She said I was wheezing. No wonder I'm so exhausted. I'm having to work a lot harder to get the air in when I breathe. I got a breathing treatment at the office which made me feel a little better. Mommy and Daddy are going to keep giving the treatments to me until I feel better. I also had another RSV test which was negative. And I had to get an x-ray. I was very good and stayed still while they took the pictures of my chest.

As if that's not enough, I have another ear infection to top it all off!

So I guess you're wondering why? Why am I always sick? Well, it's just one of those things that goes with being a baby. Mommy said I have to get sick so that I can build up my immunities. Also, the doctor thinks that because I have reflux and spit up so often that it causes me to stay congested and more susceptible to these things.

I am trying hard to be a trooper through it all so that Mommy won't worry too much. I give her as many smiles and laughs as I can muster. I even ate all her homemade yellow squash for lunch.

Sigh...hopefully I'll have better news for you next time.

Merry Christmas!

Well folks, I made it through my very first Christmas! And what an eventful couple of days it has been. I have so much to tell you. Unfortunately, it's not all good. How about I split it up? This will be the good post and then I'll write a not-so-good post.

I guess I must be psychic. Somehow I just knew I was in for a lot of excitement so I took a rare 3-hour nap on Christmas Eve morning. After I woke up and had my lunch it was off to Aunt Alice's house. Caleigh helped me open some presents. I gave Aunt Alice some presents of my own...I spit up on her rug and kitchen counter. Sorry!

Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's house. I had fun visiting, but got tired again as you can see here:

Before we went home, Mommy made me pose for a picture in my special Christmas outfit.

When we finally got home, it was way past my bedtime. I went right to sleep. Mommy told me that Santa Claus was going to come that night. I think I heard some rustling outside of my room around 6 in the morning. Maybe he was running late.

When I got out bed, Mommy was really excited. She told me Santa had left a bunch of presents for me. There were also presents from Mommy and Daddy as well as Nannie Toni too! Here are some highlights from the present-opening extravaganza.

Whoa, look at the size of this one!

Thanks Nannie Toni! I love my new stage. Here's my singing face.

Next we went to see G.G. and Grandpa Rick. Guess what? Santa Claus was at their house! He didn't have much to say, but he had lots of toys for me!

After visiting with everyone including Aunt Jackie, "Uncle" Harold, and Uncle Robbie, it was back to Grandma and Grandpa Marshall's. I had asked Grandpa to get me a pet dinosaur, and he did!

When we finally made it back home, Parrain and Aunt Kristi were waiting for me. Unfortunately I had fallen asleep in the car, so Mommy and Daddy opened up all my presents from them.

Boy, I loaded up this Christmas. I got tons of toys, books, and clothes. Mommy said in six months it will be my birthday and I'll get to do this all over again. Wow!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Very Own Wheels!

Before I was even born, G.G. and Grandpa Rick bought me my first set of wheels. Up until now, I was too young to really enjoy it. Now, I just love my car. Maybe Mommy will let me try it out on the road soon!

Jekyll Hyde Marshall

Mommy calls me that a lot because I can go from very happy to very mad in a matter of seconds. Let me share these pictures and video with you to demonstrate:
12-17-2008 6:02PM

12-17-2008 6:11PM

Look people, it's hard work being this cute! When I get tired, I let everyone know how I feel.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Magic Trick

Yesterday morning I made Mommy laugh. When she came in my room to get me, she saw that I had snuck into the bottom corner of my crib. And to top it off, I had my lovey which we keep in the top corner of the crib. Only I know how both me and my toy ended up at the bottom, and I'm not telling!

This morning I gave an encore performance. This time when she came in, I had rolled over and was pushing myself up with my arms.

Hmmm...I wonder what I'll do tomorrow. Any suggestions?

Tyrannosaurus Lex?

This past weekend I got to spend lots of time with my Nannie Toni and cousin, Alexa, who were in from Virginia. Boy, that Alexa sure likes to put on a show.

She even calmed me down from a crying spell with her wonderful Christmas songs.

My Half Birthday!

That's right folks: I'm officially half a year old! Yesterday I went to the doctor for my check-up. I was such a big boy; I hardly even cried for my shots...and there were THREE of them! Here are my latest stats: I'm 17 pounds and 14 ounces which is at the 50th percentile. I'm 27 1/2 inches long which is nearly at the 90th percentile! Mommy doesn't know where I got the tall genes from.

Here's a picture Mommy snapped on my half birthday. She wants me to be sitting up by myself by Christmas. I'm working on it!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Goodbye Aunt Kim

Yesterday, God decided to turn my Great Aunt Kim into an angel. She had been sick for a very long time. Mommy says that she will be my guardian angel and always look out for me from Heaven.

I'm glad I got to know Aunt Kim, even if it was only for six months. Wherever she is, I want to let her know I'm sorry that I was always grumpy every time we went to her house to visit.

Mommy says I may not remember her much when I'm older, but she promises to tell me lots of stories. She said she was an amazing person. She was generous and always thinking of others before herself. She was loved by many and will be missed greatly.

Rest peacefully Aunt Kim. I couldn't ask for a better angel to watch over me.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm a hungry litte dinosaur!

Hi guys! I know it's been a while since you heard from me...I was still recovering from that turkey leg. Just kidding! Honestly, I just haven't had much to tell you. But I figured I'd better not leave you hanging for too long.

I've come a long way since my first days into the world of solid foods. At first, I hated it (remember my poem). But now, I really like to eat. In fact, I'm up to three meals a day! When we sit down to eat, I have my mouth open and waiting even before Mommy has the food on the spoon!

Every day I have a bowl of rice cereal for breakfast. I just started eating lunch last week. I have a veggie at lunch. I really like Mommy's homemade veggies! So far I've tried acorn squash, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados, peas, and green beans. They are all so yummy! At dinner time I was having cereal and veggies, but now we are trying something called fruit. On Friday, I had my first fruit...bananas. Whoa, they were really sweet. Mommy kept trying to sneak in bites of banana in between my spoonfuls of oatmeal. I wouldn't know what was coming next and whether I should open my mouth or not. I had bananas again on Saturday and Sunday, but I'm still not sure if I like them. Mommy says we'll give them one more try tonight.