Saturday, January 29, 2011

Knock Knock

So, with G.G. and Grandpa Rick's help, I have been developing a nice repertoire of knock knock jokes.  Mommy thinks some of them don't make sense, but I think they're hilarious.  I always have to laugh myself after telling them.  Here are some that I like to say:

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Orange who?
Orange, orange say banana!

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Boo who?
Don't cry!

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Ketchup who?
Ketchup in the morning

Knock Knock
-Who's there?
-Grits who?
Grits at JoJo's!

Do you know any great knock knock jokes you can teach me?

Sorry Slacker

Yes, folks.  I have not blogged since November.  I have been slacking, and I am sorry. 

How about some awesome pictures to make up for it?