Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Roly Poly

Today was very exciting for me and Mommy. She put me on my tummy on the floor. Before I knew what happened, I was on my back! That's right...I rolled over all by myself! Mommy gave a big cheer and that made me happy. So when she put me back on my tummy, I did it again! Then Mommy put me on my tummy and ran for her camera. I decided that enough was enough. Mommy knows I don't really like tummy time. I screamed until she picked me up and rocked me to sleep for a little catnap. Hey, rolling over is hard work! I was tired!

Baby Blogger

Mommy's been reading my friend Ava's blog, and told me that I should have one too. I hope they don't mind me being a copycat.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all keep up with me and all the exciting things I'm doing. Mommy says I'm growing up too fast.