Saturday, October 23, 2010

More Outings

Mommy and Daddy have been taking me places to celebrate the fall season.

Last weekend we went to "Harvest Days" at the LSU Rural Life Museum. I got to ride on a cart pulled by a horse. There were lots of people there showing how things were done in the "old days," like making cornmeal, weaving rugs, and more. I think my favorite part was pulling the whistle for a saw mill steam engine. I made Mommy and Daddy bring me 3 times to do it! I even got to meet up with my friend, Ava, and her family for some yummy lunch. Then, we went through the corn maze- if it wasn't for me, I think Mommy and Daddy would still be lost in it!

Here's the cart I rode in:

Working my way through the corn maze:

I found a friend in there!

This weekend we went to Boo at the Zoo at the Baton Rouge Zoo. I got to get all dressed up in my costume and go trick-or-treating all around the zoo. Well, a lot of other people thought that would be a good idea, too. It was very crowded, and we had to wait in line every time to get a treat. We didn't make it around the whole zoo, but I did have fun getting candy and seeing the animals.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Out and About

I sure have been having fun this week.

For one thing, Daddy is on vacation so we have been spending some quality time together. On Tuesday, he took me to a place called Jump and Jive. It has all these slides and things to bounce in called spacewalks. Daddy and I even went through an obstacle course and rode down a big slide together. It was a blast!


Then tonight, Mommy took me to storytime at the library. We met up with my cousin, Jacob. Jacob is so cool! I wanted to do everything just like him. That included crawling under tables, running around, making noise, and doing things that made Mommy make mean faces at me. Mommy helped me with the craft activity...making a woven placemat. And because it was a bilingual storytime, I got my very own Spanish book to take home!

Partners in Crime:

Getting ready to start the craft:

Finally settling down to look at a book: