Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oops! I Did It Again

I don't know what happened. One minute I was in my crib peering through the rails to see if Mommy was coming back. The next minute I was off in dreamland. I woke up kind of upset. I don't think this is the most comfortable position to sleep in.


On both Thursday and Saturday I got to spend the night at G.G. and Grandpa Rick's house! I had a blast.

G.G. taught me a new word...NO! I even learned to shake my head back and forth like I'm saying no.

I'm way too tall for my porta-crib so I got to sleep in something called a peapod. It's so cool. It's my very own tent. I "camped out" in the guest room. It was very comfy that I slept all night both nights.

I had such a great time. I was full of smiles and giggles all weekend long. I can't wait to go sleep over again!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Now the Real Fun Starts

Hi there, it's Mommy again. While Rex is at daycare, I thought I'd take over his blog again to share an anecdote with you. Since he started crawling, Rex is into everything! Yesterday evening we went to Walmart. I thought with him being in the buggy, I'd have some control. Nope. Rex is only 9 months old, yet he has already learned how to shop. He got his hands on a pack of markers and threw them in the back of the buggy! I thought I had a little more time before I had to worry about that, but apparently not.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mommy hijacks the blog

Mommy here. The little blogger was getting a bit cranky, so I put him in his crib for a nap. A few minutes later it was pretty quiet so I went to check on him. I was being careful not to let him see me, but I could tell that he was awake and moving around. A few minutes later, I went to check on him again and found this. Luckily, the camera didn't wake him up!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eating Out

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, that when Mommy and I got home we decided to go sit under the tree outside and have a little picnic. We had a great time. Mommy took the top off of my bottle, and I drank my juice from it like it was a big-person cup. I did pretty good with it! When Mommy wouldn't let me eat the clovers and flowers, I settled for the next best thing...puffs. We didn't stay out too long because the bees were making Mommy nervous. Here's a picture and video for you to enjoy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Move Over Dora...

...there's a new explorer in town!

I've only been crawling for about a week and a half, but I've really got the hang of it. Now when I see something appealing, I just head straight for it. Why do Mommy and Daddy take everything away when I try to put it in my mouth?

My Very Own Shoes

Aren't they so cool! And my LSU shirt is a hand-me-down from cousin Noah.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My New Ride

I've been getting so tall that I'm just about too tall to fit in my infant carrier. Mommy and Daddy bought me a new car seat. I took my first ride in it today. Boy, is it comfy. Take a look.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chomper #2

This past weekend I woke up with that nagging pain in my mouth. It hurt so bad that I could do nothing but fuss and fuss all weekend. I wanted Mommy so bad that I would start screaming every time she walked away from me. On Sunday she discovered the reason for my awful mood. Another tooth has broken through. It's on the bottom right next to my other one. Now that it's out, I'm feeling better.

Houston: We Have Forward Motion!

I've been working hard on my crawling skills. I don't quite have the mechanics yet, but I finally figured out how to move forward. I also got from a crawling position to a sitting position and a sitting position to a crawling position all by myself! This is so awesome! I just can't wait to get my hands on all these cool things around the house that I've been looking at for almost nine months now. Here are some highlights from the afternoon.

C is for Crawling

Mission: Slow but Possible

(I had to break the video into 2 clips to upload it)