Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Down to Busy-ness

Hi everyone! I'm back! Mommy said I needed to get with it and put some new material on the blog. I've just been so busy lately! I asked Mommy to shoot some footage of me so you can see just how busy my evenings can get. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy's Update

Well, Rex has been so busy walking everywhere, that he hasn't found the time lately to update the blog. So, Mommy is here to tell you the latest.

After thinking for a while that Rex would never let go and walk on his own, it finally happened a few weeks ago. Now he is a professional walker! He barely crawls anymore. Every day his balance gets a little better, and he is getting pretty fast.

He is growing like crazy. He's over 26 pounds now. We'll find out how tall at his 15-month check up which is in a couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure by the time the cold weather arrives, I'll have to start buying toddler size clothes. It will be sad not to shop in the infant section anymore.

Now that Rex has the walking down, it seems he is turning more attention to speaking. He waves and says "bye-bye". He does it all the time, even if he is just walking away from you to go to another room. When he is hungry he does the sign language sign for "more" and says "eat" although it kind of sounds like "each". He loves to do pat-a-cake and he tries to say the words to it. When he or someone else drops something he says "uh-oh", although now he intentionally throws things down just to say it. He often hands something to you and says his version of thank you which kind of sounds like "ank ju".

Rex loves music. He loves to dance and sing along to it. His Daddy greets him every morning by singing "Good morning to Rex". This morning, Rex was trying to sing along. It was so awesome to hear him attempt his name for the first time. He did a pretty good job of it!

I will try to get some new videos soon. Rex never seems to perform once I get the camera out.

Well, I hope my update will tide you over until Rex's next blog!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Boy For Sale

I'll be honest: I wasn't a good boy today. I wouldn't eat my breakfast or my lunch. I played in the trash even though I know I'm not supposed to. I chewed a piece of one my books. I threw my lunch on the floor. I refused to take a nap until after 4:00. I threw fits all day long.

Mommy and Daddy have decided to put me up for sale. Here's the advertisement:

(This picture was not posed; I climbed in my toy basket all by myself.)

I'm not the first in my family to suffer this fate. Here's my cousin Alexa back when she was just about my age.

So.... any takers? I'll be a good boy. I promise!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese's

Where a kid can be a kid. Well, not this kid. I think I'd rather be a kid somewhere else. Mommy and Daddy brought me to this establishment today. They tried to put me a few of the "rides". They are NOT FUN. The trip wasn't a total bust. I did find a coloring game I liked, and the pizza was yummy. Mommy and Daddy even played a few rounds of skee ball.

This picture pretty much sums up the experience:

Getting ready to eat: